Color of Every Season

In my not so professional opinion, this shade of pink is the best shade. Especially for cosmetics! It's a beautiful dusty rose and I find every single possible makeup item in this shade. My favorite lipstick is in this color too! I have yet to find an exact match for eyeshadow (exact is generous- different mediums are going to have different effects, even if the shade is seemingly identical). 

Now I'm not the best at painting my nails, I always have shaky hands, haha!! The picture above is my right hand, which is always going to be prettier then my left, since I'm left dominant and my control over my right is awful...

Here's a tip for painting nails with your non-dominant hand: Use something like a table to steady your hand as much as you can. If you have cotton swabs on hand, wait until after you're done painting each nail to clean up the edges so that you don't have to re-steady your non-dominant hand. It's extra beneficial if you have nail polish remover on hand and/or the cotton swabs made specifically for cosmetic use! These ones will have one side thats pointed and the cotton is more tightly wrapped then your typical swab. These ones are good for getting into the creases of your finger and create more precise edges. 

This color works for every season! It's perfect in the winter as it pairs nicely with shades of green! I'm wearing a sage green sweater right now and they pair so well. It's muted enough to fit well with the tones of fall, without being too dull or overshadowed by jewel tones! In the summer, this is an elegant choice, a bit more chic than the bright colors of the summertime (of course nothing wrong with those! They just aren't everyone's cup of tea :)). Perfect for a summertime wedding or date night! In the spring, this is a fun pop of color as we transition from the cool neutrals of the wintertime into the warmth and vibrance of the late spring and summertime. 

Do with this knowledge what you will! Thank you for your time and don't forget y'all: Life is short and there's a lot of terrible bits of it, if you take it too seriously you're going to live it all too fast. Laugh at the little things and let yourself make mistakes. Have a beautiful day <3